Wednesday, April 11, 2007

All in a Day's Work

I have managed to have a good day thus far, but for me, the nighttime is the most dangerous time. I’m sometimes alone, and at times that leaves me without control. Sometimes I crave a tablespoon of peanut butter. Other times, it’s a bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats without milk. Or every once and a while, it’s chocolate. I’ll take it any way I can get it.
There are no “triggers” for me, unless you want to call PF Changs’ crab cheese wontons “triggers.” (Seriously, if I order them, the wontons didn’t do the triggering– I already made my mind up to abandon the day!) I think I just get bored and need something to keep my fingers occupied. If I’m not typing, I must shovel food into my mouth…..and the time I’m most likely to be inactive is a few hours before bed. Danger zone! I haven’t quite mastered the art of eating a satisfying dinner so that I don’t go desert happy and munch until bedtime. I’ve tried brushing my teeth when I’m done with dinner. This works– it’s the brushing the teeth part that proves difficult. I’ve also tried the “drink a bottle of water before you eat anything” tactic. I find that after I down the bottle, I’m still ravenous and lack the control to wait and see if my hunger changes in 10 minutes. I’ve even tried going to bed early, but my DVR is so full right now that I can’t record any more 10pm tv shows until I catch up with the ones I’ve already missed!
Excuses, I know. But one day, I will learn the secret. Trust me, I’ll share it when I figure it out.
Here’s my today….mind you, I haven’t had dinner yet, but this is what I intend to eat:
Food Points
Coffeemate creamer with coffee 3
TJ’s instant blueberry oatmeal 3
Pria Bar 2
TJ’s light string cheese 1
TJ’s Fiberful bar 1
Mini chocolate bunny 2
TJ’s Ricotta stuffed chicken breast, 4 ounces 4
1 Baby Artichoke with ICBINB spray 0
100 calorie pack Wheat Thins with 1 wedge laughing cow light 3

Totals 19
You bet I’ll eat the other 3 points tonight. Maybe treat myself to the Skinny cow ice cream sandwich? Score.

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