We had swim practice bright and early this morning in Newport Beach. I say bright and early, but we didn't hit the pool until 10am so I guess that's not quite early. At any rate, Coach kicked our rears and we did lots of stroke drills and then intervals that left me sucking wind and thinking I'd drown. The good news is I reached my maximum heart rate 3 times in a row, so now I know how that feels. I was also in the fast lane, so it helps to know I'm one of the better swimmers. Bad news, of course, was the sun. Put on Coppertone 50 Sport, which is supposedly waterproof, but apparently I was wrong. I'm a little burned on my back and neck, and I'm totally PO'ed about it because I made a conscious effort to not get burned. Aside from wearing full body armor, I don't know what else to do?!!
Met another WW member at our swim practice this morning. We started out with a naturopathic Dr. lecturing us on nutrition. Here are the take home messages from this session:
1. Eat within 1 hour of waking up, no matter what.
2. Don't do coffee on an empty stomach.
3. If you eat carbs, accompany the carbs with 8 grams of protein. This will prevent the highs and lows associated with eating them.
4. If I want to work out twice in one day, I must down carbs immediately following the first session to replenish glycogen.
So, that was slightly helpful. I believe I'm on the right track with WW and eating activity points. She did say that I'll need to get over the weight gain thing, as I'm breaking down the fat and replacing that area with muscle, which is more dense and hence weighs more.... I have to say, I do notice my arms getting pretty nice and toned from all the swimming. If only the abs would follow suit. The plank, anyone?
Will try the table again for today. What a disaster it is. Still at the bottom of my post, but I'm over it right now. ;)
Food | Points | Points Remaining (out of 22) |
Coffeemate with coffee | 2 | 20 |
All Bran Bar | 2 | 18 |
Pria Bar | 2 | 16 |
Handful almonds | 1 | 15 |
2 cups brown rice with 1 ounce chicken | 7 | 8 |
Costco Frozen Yogurt | 4 | 4 |
100 calorie pack cupcakes | 1 | 3 |
Activity points-- 1.5 hours of swim practise | +5 | 8 |
Oh man!!! I feel for you, I really do! I am very fair skinned so I know what it feels like to burn and keep burning. Eventually, you won't burn anymore, but man it sucks between now and then. I use SPF 30 and lately I don't even get red! I think it's Banana Boat Sport or something like that. I hope your burn eases soon!!!
I hear ya; but right now I would be glad for some sun just in the sky...dear god, its been raining in Dallas non stop for a good 10 days; w/ all this flooding, we're gonna have to start building arks soon! I hope your burn feel better tomm!!!
Did the doc say why you shouldn't drink coffee on an empty stomach? I'm curious...
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