Friday, July 27, 2007

So, I'm Triathlon Barbie....

...but what happens if I cripple myself and can't actually get to the triathlon? I won't be Barbie then.

I've been plagued by this all day long and had a nice mental breakdown on the phone with my Dad today. Knee hurts now. Flat out hurts. Not just the weird swelling and "keeping it at bay" kind of pain, but real pain. It's totally runner's knee, but it's there, and it's a hindrance to my training. I don't know what to do?! What can a Dr. do for me at this point? Rest? Physical therapy? I refuse to rest-- I'm not giving up on this. I've dropped a ton of money on this training and equipment, I love the sport, and I really, really enjoy my time out there in training with the group. The thought of not doing it is absolutely devastating to me.

But on the plus side, I did just get back from the Running store and bought me a new pair of shoes! That was one of the top recommendations for "preventing runner's knee" that I read online. So, I got a great pair of Mizuno's which, so conveniently, happen to match our Tridiva triathlon uniform. SCORE! The real victory here, though, is that I had to run on the treadmill for 2 minutes for each pair of shoes I tried I made it for roughly 15 minutes (if you count the footstroke assessment) with no major pain! Yes, when I stop and sit for a while, I get it again.....but there is hope.

Tomorrow morning, we are at the beach at 8am for our motivational speaker and open water swim clinic. Although scared, I'm kind of excited to get it over with. We have a great sports psychologist coming who is going to give us some pointers on overcoming fears. Think he could help me out with this fear of not competing/injury thing?!

At any rate, thanks for the reunion dress opinion. I am going to head over to White House Black Market this weekend and try it on and see how it goes. Their dresses this season are a bit too revealing for my tastes, so we'll see if I flash anybody. ;) Have a good weekend!


Jynell said...

Well... I'm sure you're in the water right NOW!! Good luck- I know you'll be fine!! We want to hear all about it when you get back! I don't know what to tell you about the knee.... I know I wouldn't want to stop either, but maybe just get it checked out by the Dr. to be sure you're not permanently taking yourself out of the competition...?? You don't have to take all his advice if he says stop training, but you'll at least know if your doing major damage or not...

Anonymous said...

I hope the swim goes great...can't wait to hear about it. I agree with jynell...get the knee checked out. Maybe there are some exercises that you can do that will help it?!? And getting someone's professional opinion doesn't hurt and just because you get the advice doesn't mean you have to take it!