So here's what I've been freaking out about for the past month or so.....my new road bike! After trailing 4 women on road bikes today (there are 30 of us, and these 4 were the only ones faster than me) and seeing how little they were working on our hill intervals, I had enough. So had DH. He says that since I make the coin dog, I should be able to get a toy. A fast, super cool toy that will hopefully get me past those 4 women who were ahead of me! Ended up with the tangerine orange Trek 1000 SL. Total entry level bike, but it will do me well in my sprint triathlons. You know what this means, right? It means more races in the future!
I over-analyzed this bike thing, like I do with everything else in my life. I figure my swim is my strongest leg, followed by the cycle....and then I get my butt handed to me in the run because all these triathletes are ex-marathoners. So if I can edge ahead of them enough in the swim, transitions, and the bike, maybe I can hold off their charge in the end? (Gosh, who would've thought I'd get competitive over this? In 2004, I just didn't want to be last!)
According to Sparkpeople, I've only eaten 1350 calories today. They want me to eat 1880, minimum. Um, not gonna happen! I've already eaten 4 of my 6 activity points, and aside from maybe a Popsicle or an apple tonight, I don't think I'll be eating too much more. Gosh, I really need a nutritionist.
Have two days of travel coming up here, so I'm trying to think what I can do in downtown San Francisco to stay on my training program. Hotel pool, maybe? I know those are gross, but I didn't get swim itch from the lake so I'm feeling adventurous here. The food I'm not so concerned with. We're being wined and dined by general contractors on one day, and the next day I'll be with my Zagat-obsessed boss. If there's anything I've learned, it's that fine dining establishments will prepare whatever you like, even if it's against their core philosophies. So I can order a nice grilled chicken breast and veggies with no added oil and butter, and you know what I'll get? Exactly that, only it'll taste amazing anyway. Not that I'll be very hungry. Tuesday is DH's interview day. I'm a nervous wreck already. How am I supposed to be cool and confident in my meetings on Tuesday (and get on the airplane, which is an ordeal for me in itself) when I'm so stressed out and nervous for him?
Can somebody fast forward me to Wednesday, please?
So, that's my update. As usual, menu is up on Weighwatchen. I'm going to go stare at my bike now and dream about beating people. ;) (You know, in the race sense, not actually fighting....)
Congrats on the bike...it looks beautiful!! You had posted a comment on someone else's blog about swing music and Cherry Poppin' Daddies and it took me back to my college days when a crew of my buddies became CPD groupies!! Have fun in San Fran some of those hills might be good for getting a run in.
Yay! Congrats on your new bike. It's a good thing you got the tangerine one - those ladies need something to see while you're whizzin by! :o)
I hope your hubs interview goes great and I hope you have a wonderful trip. Stop stressing! It's all going to work out just fine!!
I have a question too...on your blog you have a weight watchen recently updated list. How did you do that? It's very cool!
YAY for you!!! I am so glad you finally got a bike. You will beat em all now! WOO HOO!!
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