Saturday, July 21, 2007

It's too darn hot!

Yikes....not even 11 and I'm sweating bullets at my place. We slept in this morning to recover from the craziness that was our week. Between the job interview, trip to San Fran, early morning meetings, and our 11pm charity dinner/auction last night, dh and I are absolutely whooped! But happy. Thank you all so much for your good wishes and congratulations--- we are beyond excited to finally get his career up and moving along after all this time. He leaves for training either August 6th or August 13th. It's the first time I've ever been excited about him leaving me!

This week, my tri training sort of got the shaft. While I have managed to accomplish all of the regularly scheduled workouts, I feel like my 3 days off were way too much. I'm bursting with energy and desperate to do more, even though I had no time at all on those days I had to be inactive. (If you can call walking the streets of San Francisco inactive!) This morning, I'm heading off to the gym to do a swim workout. Looks like it's a lot of intervals, so I'll probably be hating life. I love long and slow! I think she's trying to show us that if we are good swimmers, we won't notice much of a time difference between "all out" and "hangin' out," so there is no point in burning yourself out in the swim. I've been reading about all these open water swims with undertows and currents, and I am seriously FREAKIN' out!! When I was a kid, I tooled around out there with no problem. Why is it that now, when I can understand it all, I am petrified? We hit the beach next Saturday, and to say I am nervous is a total understatement. I love me some lake...but the ocean?! Help me?

Tomorrow is heart rate training session #2 and then a 3-5 mile run. Although it would probably be good for me to hit the 5-mile run, I don't want to push my knee more than I have to so I'll probably opt for the shorter run. The knee is a troublesome beast, as you all know. Thankfully, I am scheduling my week around the runs so that I can recover in between. Can't wait to get my bike fixed and try it out again.....except most of our rides now end in a run, so I'll probably be swimming more!

I don't want to tell you what I ate last night. Charity dinner, no option to leave it off the plate--- so I ate it all! Filet mignon, colossal shrimp in a cheese rum sauce, basmati rice, steamed veggies, almond pound cake with fruit. Oops. I'm going to try to get back on track today, because all this eating out has left me susceptible to temptation. And poochie. After all this time I *still* have this freaking pooch on my tummy. I could scream! Am going to have hubby take more pics this afternoon and see if 2 1/2 weeks has helped at all. What good are rock hard legs when you have an ugly stomach? Ack!

OK, enough about me. I'm going to go grab some breakfast and hit the pool.


SixTwoThree said...

Hey Woman! Nice to see a new TriDiva on board. This tri thing is addicting! Say "Hi" to Martha for me :-)

Anonymous said...

DH is loving the new book. I had to come upstairs because he was driving me crazy with his comments..."Oh No", "WOW." He should be done with it tonight so I can get started on it tomorrow. Other than his comments he is not saying a word about it to me...which is nice but also crazy!! I want to know, but in the same breath I don't want to know!

Amanda said...

You are doing sooo well with all the training! GO girl!

I know what you mean about the tummy. It's the ONLY part of my body that I despise. I can now see muscles, but there's a huge layer of FAT over them! I am hoping (for me) the running will make it at least smaller. :)