Monday, July 2, 2007

Here we go again.....

After a wonderful month of May culminating on the 140's, I'm now right back up there at 152.5. WTF?!!! I was 150 lbs when I started the triathlon training a little less than 2 weeks ago, and I haven't had many huge splurges that would undo all the exercise. In fact, I've tracked my cardio on Sparkpeople and I've burned over 8000 calories in the past 2 weeks. I CERTAINLY have not consumed that many in addition to my 1100-1300 I eat on a daily basis, that's for sure. It is so frustrating when you work so hard and the scale goes up. I know everyone says muscle weighs more than fat, but now I'm back up over my goal weight (151.5), and there is no reason for that, even if I do have a ton of muscle.

Aside from continuing to hydrate and attempt to eat well, I am at a loss for what to do to see the scale inch down to where I want it. I should probably follow my own advice and wait and see how things go with the training, continue eating responsibly, and let things work out on their own. body is a brat!

Today, we were assigned to run a set distance by trying intervals....3 minutes of running followed by 1 minute of walking. I set my total distance to 3 miles -- triathlon distance --- and went for it after the sun started to go down. It was amazing. I wasn't tired at all for most of it!! And the good part is my knee isn't killing me too much, either. At any rate, I ended up finishing the 3 miles in 33 minutes. Hey, I can live with an 11 minute mile, especially considering the fact that it took me 38 minutes in my last tri to do the same distance. We have a full track workout on Thursday, so we shall see what Coach has to say about all of this. I'm psyched, though. There's hope for me yet!

Here's the damage for the day:

FoodPointsPoints Remaining (out of 22)
Coffeemate with coffee220
1/4 cup almonds317
Fiberful Bar116
Grilled Tilapia with rice and grilled zuchhini79
2 bananas45
String cheese14
100 calorie pack cupcakes13
English muffin pizza30
Activity points-- 3 miles at 11-minute mile pace+33


Amanda said...

WOO HOO for you!!! An 11 minute mile is awesome!

I don't know what to tell you about the weight loss (or gain). I say go with your plan and see how it all works out. You spoke to the nutritionist and you seem to be doing everything you should be. I am sure the scale will move eventually. It has to, right?!?! :0)

Jynell said...

Erin you are doing AWESOME with your training!! I am so proud of you- it sounds like you're having a blast (and also like you could kick my butt if you came to BC!!) :oD Don't let the scale get you down. I know everyone says it, but muscle DOES weigh more than fat- believe it & know that even if the scale is going up a tiny bit, that your body shape is changing. Take your measurements & find out your body fat percentage NOW before you train too much more. Even if the scale stays the same or goes up a bit more, I KNOW you will see some awesome results if you compare those things. And yes, if you keep going the scale will eventually go down to where you want to be & you'll be all firmed up too. I'd much rather weigh a little more (which no one but you knows) and be toned & firm than one of those skinny stick girls who is so weak and out of shape. Muscle is sexy!! Just keep going & maybe ignore the scale for a while... it will all balance out!

Anonymous said...

oh my word!!! you go girl--a 11 minute mile and you aren't even flinching...thats awesome! It sounds like you're having a blast doing what you're doing so dont let the scale take that away from you! No one knows your weight but you BUT ppl can see how much fun youre having, how fit you are and how healthy you are...i know ppl say this all the time but if you know you're healthy, the scale is just a number!!! Congrats on doing so well w/ your tri training...You are such an inspiration!