Saturday, July 28, 2007

And I'm *STILL* Alive!

Wow, I'm just a lucky girl today.

2 lifelong fears conquered in less than 24 hours. No wonder I ate french fries at Chili's tonight. (Shhh!!! Don't tell anyone......I ate half of hubby's because my firecracker tilapia tasted like vomit) Oh! OKay, back to the fears....

So, #1 was the ocean swim. More afraid of riptides and currents and the "unknown" more than anything else. Had a blast.

#2 was flying in a prop airplane. A small prop airplane with no flight attendant. Hubby goes off the payroll at his flight school in the next few days, and with that goes his ability to take a plane for a spin with family. Nobody in our family has ever flown with him except my sister (another pilot), so I knew that this was important and I had to do it. Cried the whole way up there...yeah, I'm a wuss....but didn't let him see. When we got to the plane, he did a very thorough pre-flight and explained everything that he was doing to me. Boy, does he know his stuff! I was so impressed. By the time he got me strapped in, I was feeling totally calm and trusted that he would take good care of me. By talking to me about what he was doing the entire time and keeping the plane at steady altitudes (even doing a slow descent so as not to freak me out), he got me through it. Now, I can't say that it was FUN, but I did it! Got to see my man in action, and boy, is he good! I'm so proud and now I can see why he got hired for that pilot job. They will be very lucky to have him, as he will take great care of his passengers and crew.

So, that's the day in a nutshell.

Tune in tomorrow, when I face fear #3: returning very expensive road bicycle because it's defective. (3 tuneups in less than 10 miles over 2 weeks---- I hate the thing and refuse to take it out for a ride again because I may get stranded!)


Anonymous said...

Wow, both of those in one day! You are a much stronger person than I am!!! Good Luck with the bike!

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!! Hope dealing with the bike goes smoothly!

Amanda said...

WOW!! You're brave--2 fears in one day. GO YOU!! Sounds like you had a great day though. :)

dizzydazey said...

That's awesome! I'm so proud of you for facing your fears!! You go girl!

WeightBGone said...

Wow, I am impressed with how well you face your fears head on. WTG because thats never easy to do.

I know you will do great returning the bike because you have a wonderful positive, succeed attitude!