Saturday, June 2, 2007

Time for bed.....

‘cuz I’m out of points! Oops. The day started out great, but then DH brought me the last 1/3 of his Chipotle burrito when I was still at work. (We had to take a 4-hour detour this afternoon to my office so I could work on some red light emergencies) I knew I shouldn’t eat it, but my packed granola bar didn’t do anything for me and I was still starving. Of course, it was 2pm, so not late enough that I wouldn’t get hungry tonight.

Yikes! Well, I’m going to roast an ear of corn on the grill and eat a grilled turkey burger patty, no cheese or bun. So I guess if I go 3 pts over for the night, it could be worse. Technically it’s still “on program,” as I do have the 35 flex points to disperse as I like. But look— 25 pts for the day. I swear, this is my maintenance number!! If only I could eat less than that…..
At any rate, had to fess up. Here’s what I ate today, and what I plan to finish the day with:
Food Points
Coffeemate creamer with coffee 3
Granola bar 3
Fiberful bar 1
Hostess 100 cal chocolate cupcakes 1
100 calorie pack Chips Ahoy 2
Another granola bar, different brand 4
1/3 Chipotle burrito 7
Turkey burger patty and corn 4

Totals 25

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