Wednesday, June 20, 2007

On Your Mark, Get Set......

I’m off!! Day 1 of triathlon training is officially over. Met my coach, met my fellow Divas, and had a great inspirational session followed by a spin class focused on technique. I was surprised that there were plenty of “normal” women in the group and that I was actually holding up on the bike much better than some of the others. I’m sure that this will change over time….it seems many of them are runners. Watch out! I’m no runner, so we’ll see how it goes.
At any rate, I’m happy with the evening and looking forward to getting out there and doing more. What fun! I can’t believe it took me this long to sign up and go for it. Without a doubt, my coach WILL get me through this, open water swim and all. She’s awesome! (And my $15 EBay cycling shoes are pretty awesome, too, despite their smurf blue ways)
I have no idea what I ate today. OK, I do. I don’t think I stayed on track, though. Here’s the damage:
Food Points
Coffeemate creamer 2
Fiberful bar 1
1 small apple 1
100 calorie bar 2
3 Cheese Ziti –WW 6
2 Wasa Crisps with 1 wedge laughing cow lite 2
1/2 tortilla 2
2 servings barilla pasta with 1/2 cup sauce 7
Trail Mix bar 3
Activity points earned +3
Flex points used +1

Totals 26

Yikes! I need to rein in a little here. The past week has made me very hungry. Time to get back under control.

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