Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Table issues

Why is it all the way down at the bottom of the darn page? I could scream!!!! Really, html code is not my strong suit.

Thanks for all the comments on the sunburn and knee remedies. Sunburn wise, I'm slathering with aloe and hoping it clears up eventually. It still bubbles up when I exercise, but I'm just going to apologize profusely to everyone tomorrow nad not lose any sleep over it. At least it doesn't hurt like heck anymore. And the knee? I pulled out all my physical therapy handouts and have been doing them all day long so I can loosen up the IT band and see what happens. Unfortunately, it's not a matter of being sore with me. If it "blows" (my term for "cannot walk for weeks"), I can't stand on it for 4 days and then it takes months to be able to straighten it out again without intense shooting pains. Doc says it's just a PT malalignment, correctible with physical therapy, so what can you do? I just baby the darn thing and hope for the best. (And write the company you all recommended to try a free sample!)

Bad eating day. It's getting to be that TOM, so I'm ravenous. I did go for a nice, sweaty bike ride this afternoon, so hopefully that will make amends for what will surely be a traumatizing evening of the munchies. Thankfully, the house is stocked full of healthy foods!

I suppose that's it from me today. Still trying to get used to this new format and all the crud I've done to mess it up. Good grief!!!

Food Points Remaining (22 base)
Light String Cheese 1 21
Fiberful Bar 1 20
Pria Bar 2 18
Cpffeemate 2 16
WW Smart Ones Enchiladas Suiza 6 10
Light n' Fit Yogurt with Almonds and Strawberries 2 8
Small apple 1 7
small nectarine 1 6
Salmon burger with ear of corn 4 2
1/2 serving Light Pretzels 1 1
Activity Points! +2 3


Anonymous said...

I see what you mean about it being WAY at the bottom. Odd! But I"m intrigued...how did you get it to work. I have played a bit but no luck.

Knee issues are no fun, I had surgery in college and was out for a month or so. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Nice to find your blog again. I'm curious how you went about making the table? Sorry to hear of your sunburn and knee issues!

Courtney said...

Um...I don't even know what html means. I just type and spend about half a cajillion hours trying to figure everything else out! Have a great day and take care of your body!

dizzydazey said...

I just have to say that I'm uber impressed with how active you are even though you have knee problems. A lesser woman (uhh me...) would use it as an excuse to not exercise! You Go Girl! You're my exercise hero!!