Enough about food.
I have a PT appointment finally! Just in time, as the knee is back to it's bad old ways and I have had to stop running. Yesterday, hubby and I took the bike for a spin, since the horrible bike shop wouldn't take it back and I needed to keep getting used to it. Unfortunately, the knee hates hills on bikes, too. So today I hit the pool and did my 3 500-meter time trials. To give the knee a break, I did one TT with my pull buoy, which ended up being a full minute FASTER than the ones I did kicking! Go figure. Anyway, still had some pain this evening, but at least it's not going to do more damage.
So with the fresh injury but my new appointment with the physical therapist, what did I do? Why, I signed up for another race!!! Triathlon #1 is now the Santa Barbara Super Sprint on the 25th (edited-- NOT racing on a Tuesday!) of August......500 meter swim, 6 mile bike, 2 mile run--- a cake walk! In fact, even with the knee injury, I could do it now and do it easily. So I'm psyched. If I have to walk the run, I walk the run, right? At least I'll be getting some of these jitters out of the way before the Pacific Coast in September. THAT is my big kahuna.
Tomorrow is another open ocean swim. I'm not so scared anymore, although stupid me found a Great White Shark website that lists shark sightings on the Pacific Coasts, and already this year a few fins have popped up around the beach where I swim. Ugh. At least there are no real attacks in the past 50 years in Orange County. (Must keep telling myself this) Hopefully surfers are tastier.
OH! I forgot. Wanted to add a picture of the plane on Saturday. I'm still proud of myself for that one. Have to include my proof: