The triathlon gods decided that a botched self-tanning job and perpetually troublesome knee weren't enough to throw at me for my first tri weekend, so they handed me a bladder infection, too! Well, I think that's what's wrong. The mere thought of sitting on the bike in aero position gets me all freaked out right now.....seeing the doc in about an hour and am hoping a round of antiobiotics will clear me up. Good grief. Never a dull moment!
So here I sit, taking 1/2 a day off from work. Guess I could have driven up to Santa Barbara early! Kitty is happy--- he's being an attention whore and enjoying every second of his momma being around. I'm trying to kitty-proof the apartment so that in his boredom he can't eat something he's our first > 24 hour separation, and I just couldn't legitimize sending him to a kennel for such a short amount of time. We've done 20 hours before, so we'll see how this goes. I'm keeping the radio on, doubling up his food and water, keeping the a/c on in case it gets above 80 in the house, and strategically placing catnip all over so that he can stay potted all day long in my absense. Any other suggestions?
I haven't started packing yet, but I'm taking good mental notes. Man, I'm lazy! Tonight, I'll be a whirling dervish....good thing I'm getting my posting out of the way now.
Well, I suppose that's all I have to say. Heading out early in the morning tomorrow to start my drive, and I guess I'll just try to find parking wherever I can. I'm hoping my roommate can grab my packet this afternoon so I can skip late packet pickup tomorrow and go straight to the running course so I can cheer my coach on. She's doing the long course tomorrow, which is just short of a half Ironman. She's seriously my hero. :)
Have a great weekend, ladies. I promise to report back with a full race report and pictures! Wish me luck getting there. Seems to get harder every hour!
GOOD LUCK ERIN!!! We'll be thinking of you & cheering you on all day!! Hope all your ailments quiet down- at the very least for race time!! If not, there's nothing like the good old adrenaline rush to take pain away! You can do it!!! :D
Oh man, now that's a bummer--a bladder infection?!?!? I hope and pray you get some relief before the race. I've had them before and it seems once the antibiotics kick in you should get some relief (at least I always have).
Good luck and I can't wait to hear all about it!
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