Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Cleared for takeoff.....

Well, okay, perhaps not takeoff. But I'm all clear for running tomorrow night in practice!!! Woohoo! McTherapist declared that 20 minutes of running should be a good test to see how far we've come, so fingers crossed that this is a good thing.

What a long day today was. I ended up touring sites with a general contractor most of the day, and it was painstakingly long. I'm not a construction person, so I nearly gnawed my arm off talking about the recessed lighting and special glass walls at the department store. Ugh! We had a nice lunch--- I ordered tilapia with rice pilaf and sauteed spinach, the lemon butter caper sauce on the side. I DID dip my fork in the sauce a few times and the spinach was swimming in olive oil, but I considered it a good fat and went to town. Yum! I was lazy for dinner and nuked a Trader Joe's frozen brown rice, added a few little chunks of sharp cheddar, and doused it in barbecue sauce. In retrospect it was disgusting, but at the time it satisfied a bizarre craving.

Hit the gym tonight after all this eating. The "aqua fit" class was from 6-7, so I had to wait until 7pm to hop in the pool and do my workout. We had a nice 1500 meter workout with 8 different swim sets tonight, so I felt purposeful. I'm getting pretty comfortable in the water and feel like the larger distances are infinitely more attainable when they are broken down into these smaller chunks. I also stay interested longer when I have a list of things to do in the pool! Arms feel okay, but I'm sure I'll be crippled in two days. (My lovely rotator cuffs feel great the day after a swim, but by day 2 I can't pull doors shut!) I must say, swimmer's arms ROCK! Way better than lifting weights.

So, tomorrow we are meeting up at the beach for yet another 1/2 mile swim and 20 minute run. I'm sort of dreading the swim (as I always am beforehand, but afterwards it's such a great I've cheated death yet another day), but looking forward to testing myself. We'll see how it goes?

That's the scoop. I'm off to forage. Darn swimming made me hungry!


Amanda said...

YAY!!! So glad you can run again! You need to post some pictures of your swimmer arms. My hubby swam for a while and had the most sculpted arms. He's given that up for lifting weights but he was more sculpted when he swam. You are going to rock that race!!

Anonymous said...

I am soooo happy for you!!! That rocks that you got the all clear for you knee. Enjoy your run tonight!

dizzydazey said...

I'm so glad that you're cleared for running!

I'm sure your swimmer's arms are rockin hot and I'm so proud of you for kickin so much booty!

Keep up the good work & have a great weekend!!