Yes, I am married. But can't I enjoy a little attention now and then?
So, I was at the pool. Imagine 3 lanes, 2 of which are occupied by ladies wearing inflatable wings who are floating on their backs. (KILL ME) The other lane was occupied by a legitimate swimmer. So after sitting there for a minute waiting for someone to swim to the wall so I could ask to share, I gave up and yelled down to swimmer boy if I could split lanes with him. (I figure, I can't handle getting kicked in the stomach by psycho floating women) So in I go, and we split lanes for about 10 minutes until the middle lane vacates and I move on over. During one of my breaks, swimmer boy stops me and asks about my workout....where I got it from, what some of it means, what I'm training for. Not too shabby looking, either. Says his name is "Rex," and that he is going to see me around. Heh! Probably not, Rexie boy. I don't usually swim on Thursday nights. But it didn't take a rocket scientist to realize he's going to be back next week!
Back to real life. Last night we did a timed 1.3 mile loop in a park as sort of an end-of-the-season "how fast have you gotten" kind of measurement. Of course, I missed the first session 10 weeks ago, so I really didn't have a baseline. Coach lined us up by anticipated time, pulling me to the front of the pack despite my protestations....then off we went. Damn thing was HILLY!! I was cussing her out as I went up each hill and down the backside of them, thinking each time that my knees would give way and I'd be set back several weeks. I cruised in around 10 minutes for the loop, which was not as fast as I was hoping but probably not too bad for the terrain. (1/2 of it was off trail....the hilly part) My closest Diva was 2 minutes behind me. I took about 5 minutes to recover, walked the hilly part on the next loop, and then continued to run for 3 loops, a total of 3.9 miles. I felt pretty good by the end! So good, in fact, that I would have run more had I not had a party to get to....
Yes, it was our 10-week end-of-the-season party, where we were supposed to say goodbye to the people who were in the program for the Santa Barbara super sprint. But it turns out all the 10-weekers signed on for 2 more weeks until Pacific Coast, so it was mainly a potluck/birthday party. At the end, Coach got up and said a few words about each of us who competed in Santa Barbara for the first time with the program. She really took the piss out of me!!! I had to stand up in front of everyone (probably 30 of us) and she said that I'm type A, ulta-inquisitive, and wanted to go race distance from day 1. My impatience caused me to get injured, but I constantly pushed and pushed and pushed. She said that my Santa Barbara race was not only textbook, but fast, and that my transitions made her proud......she also went on to say that if I took the time to go slower, I'd easily become an endurance athlete. To which I said, "but I went slow today!" And she went to her clipboard and promptly called me out, announcing to everyone that my first loop was the fastest of everyone for the day.
Alas, fast is not everything. I'd LOVE to go long. Love to. But I am nicknamed "Sprinter," and it's the truth. I think the only sport I could actually do a longer distance in right now is the swim, and that's because I've somehow gotten comfortable in the water and can chug along without getting my heart in a tizzy. Who knows? Maybe she's the one to get me to chill out so I can go the distance one day??
So that was a blast. Really, it was nice to chat with everyone outside of practice and hear about peoples' races. We all had a different race, so it was fun to learn and laugh together.
One more intense workout this week and I'm on my taper for Pacific Coast. Wow, can't believe it's here already! Dare I say I'm almost sad? I'll be continuing on to do the Subaru All Women's Sprint down in San Diego in October, but Pacific Coast was the big daddy I was after all along. I hope I like it!
Hubby comes home tomorrow. He needs a break from studying, so I'm going to try to tidy up here and make the place a bit more presentable. With that, I just want everyone to know I'm reading....I'm just being lazy with the comments. Will make more of an effort soon!!! Have a great Labor Day Weekend.