Tuesday, September 4, 2007

What have you done today to make you feel proud

I love the Biggest Loser! Apparently it is on tonight, so I'm furiously typing away so I can be ready for it. :)

Actually, I just like the song. I should download it.

Ah, back alone again. Took Cheeto to the shop (sorry, girls...Tang sounds way too cool for my clunker of an entry level road bike....the way it slips chains, it really isn't cool) tonight for a tune-up, then hit the gym pool. Saw Rex, but he was 3 lanes over and decided to just stare instead of talk. Hehehe.... It's taper week, so I did an easy 1400. It was easy! I'm still in shock about this, because three months ago I was beaming with pride over making it 500 meters continuously in the pool. (In fact, for my first triathlon I only actually managed 300 meters or so of freestyle and had to breastroke the rest of it) Now, I feel like I am pretty darn competent. It's shocking.

Food-wise, I'm recovering from the salty, fatty weekend. I did come home today and eat a regular bagel for lunch, but it fit in just fine points-wise, and I think I was craving it! So no harm, no foul. Just trying not to eat anything new this week and to fight DH's cold he tried to give me....must be in tip top shape for Sunday.

With that, I'm off to watch my favorite show. Fall TV is back, ladies and gentlemen. Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' 'bout!


Amanda said...

I love the biggest loser too! The song is awesome!!

Good luck on the tapering and most of all on the big day!

WeightBGone said...

I LOVE fall TV and cant be more happy to see it return.

You are doing so well with your exercising keep it up!