Saturday, September 1, 2007

Naughty Weekend

OMG, it's just 9am on Saturday morning and already I have sinned.

Well, not that way. I'm married. That's not sinning.

I took cake home from work for hubby's return, but instead of saving it for him, I ATE IT FOR DINNER! Good grief. I then had an In and Out burger, which was after my soft taco lunch with the boss. And then I took the day off, so nothing got burned off. It just went straight to the fat stores.

What is up with that?

Don't answer. I'm getting a grip RIGHT now, and will regulate the rest of the weekend. Only Golden Spoon for me, because I'm gonna be a good girl.

And you know who got the exclusive invitation to join the Olympians (the girls who've been training for the Olympic distance tri since this spring) for their brick workout tomorrow morning at 7am before the sprinters? Oh, that would be ME! Woohoo!! Part of me is proud, but the other part feels like I won the lottery because I won't have to run at 10am in the heat.....I should be done by 9. Frickin' score. (Well, the 20 miles of hill repeats isn't very fun, but I'll survive....and I'm limiting the run to 3 miles afterwards)

So, this might be it for posting until Tuesday, but stranger things have happened. Like eating all that cake out of the blue. Aye aye aye.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Wow!! That's awesome you got invited to work out with them. That really says something about all of your training!

Don't sweat the'll be fine, I know you will!