Sunday, April 13, 2008


Me! That's me!

I did it. It wasn't pretty, but I finished the race. I'm actually at a class in Phoenix right now and can't post photos, but will post those and a race report when I have a chance. Finished in 3:09, but not so sure of the official distances. My swim time seemed too fast for 1500 meters, the bike seemed shorter than what they said it was going to be, and the run seemed longer. So who knows what this means in the real world. I was a middle-of-the-packer yesterday, but I was just happy I conquered that monster. My run gave me quite a bit of trouble, but that wasn't surprising considering all the time I lost on training due to my injuries.

So, thought I'd report back, even though SixTwoThree already knows. I'm happy to be a finisher, but now I feel a need to redeem myself. Pendleton, perhaps?

1 comment:

Amanda said...

WOO HOO for you!!! That's awesome!!!