Sunday, March 23, 2008

Closing in

I suppose I should be happy that my race is just around the corner, but I can't help this gripping fear that is coming over me. A lot of girls on my team who did their first Olympic distance race last September are already freaking out about their preparedness for this race....and I must say, it does not instill the least bit of confidence!

My swim is there. It's fine. You could send me out there to do the Ironman swim right now and I think I'd do just fine. Not blazing fast. Not super slow. Just fine.

The bike is iffy. I'm strong, but I don't know how strong I can be because we've never trained at the exact race distance. In fact, we've been going over the race distance by at least an hour of riding time for the past few weeks, so I haven't a clue what level of exertion I want to reach before my run.

And the run. My hip flexor is injured, and quite frankly, I cannot run for more than a mile without it tightening up on me and then starting to cause pain. I'm seeing my physical therapist for it, (for free-- he's amazing--- didn't have a referral but he fit me in and fixed me up just because --- it blows me away) but I really wonder if the time off from running will hurt me in th end. I'm not breaking any speed records in my 10K, but still....I'd like to consistently be able to make the distance, you know? I don't want the next time I run 6 miles to be on race day. It may very well be....

So, as you can tell, I am preoccupied, as I sit here with ice on my hip flexor and recover from my Easter morning swim. I know this is supposed to be fun, but this is more than just fun for me. This is proving to myself that I can do things I never thought possible. I HAVE to get to race day. Not to be competitive, but to prove to myself that I can conquer this.


SixTwoThree said...

That last paragraph makes me wonder if we could be clones!! It also made me grim. Funny how it's kind of funny when it's not you. Maybe you should read my blog and laugh at me and that will make you feel better for your race!! LOL

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for your insight on my heartrate issue. I think some of my problem is that I didn't realize how complacent (sp?) I have become with spin - doing it 4 times a week and not doing any other aerobic type activity has probably led to my body being better at handling that workout. Guess I should try to switch things up a bit.....I really really want to learn to run but I'm so scared of that - think it's still the "fat" girl in my head telling me that it's impossible!!

I went through and read your most recent posts and I am soooooo inspired by you!! You are amazing. Were you athletic in your childhood days or has this obsession just come on in the last few years?? How did you get involved in this stuff? Is the euphoria as good as they say it is?

Sorry for all the questions but I am soooo intrigued by how awesome you are!