Friday, March 7, 2008


It's that time of year again. Time to feel self conscious about what I eat. How I look. How I've decorated. How DH and I interact. Where we go. What we do.

Yes, the in-laws are incoming.

I have a 2.5 hour ride tomorrow morning, then I must RUSH home, shower, change, get beautiful, and then go pick them up at the airport and proceed to entertain them. Sunday morning, I leave them again for my long run....and Monday morning, I have a 6am flight to San Fran, for a day trip. I tell you what--- exhaustion does not even begin to describe my state, just thinking about the horror that is waiting for me in the days to come.

My sleepy state has crept into my work life, where today I had to feign a Dr. appointment so I could get in an early run.....except, I was so exhausted I couldn't get out of bed and ended up using the excuse for an extra half hour of sleep. I was then told by my boss that i looked exhausted. I said, "I am. I'm pushing my body to do things it never thought it could possibly do." To which he responded, "Really?! That's so exciting! I had no idea!" (Yes, perplexing....until you think that I am a married woman of child-bearing age, and pregnancy is a CURSE that apparently everyone suspects you of once you hit that target demographic) I flipped out, of course. "Hell no I'm not pregnant. I'm exhausted! I've done more running, biking, and swimming in the past 2 weeks than I've ever done in my life. And then I have to deal with all this crap on top of it. You bet I'm tired. Pregnancy is probably a walk in the park compared to this, but dude....give me a break..... Do I look fat?!"

Yeah, flipped out. Totally, completely flipped out. I'm not "THERE" yet in my maturity. And I cannot possibly do that to my body right now. I can't handle the stretch marks. The saggy boobs. The 'roids. Yeah, I can do without that. Don't accuse me of it prematurely.

Anyway, I digress.

The in-laws. If I make it through this weekend alive, it'll be nothing short of a miracle.

Let us all take this time to pray............. Have a good one!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hey--pregnancy is NOT a curse! :) But I TOTALLY understand what you mean. Before DH and I had kids, if someone of accused me of it, I would look at them and say "Are you freaking crazy?!?!?!"

You will survive the in-laws, I am sure. And at least they have to plan before a visit....they HAVE to call you..they can't just show up. Look at the bright side here. :)