Monday, March 17, 2008

Still here

Just too tired to write.

I'm coming off a "taper" week, and I'm still exhausted. What's up with that?

Not much new, except my race is now less than a month away and I am freaking out! Training is really getting intense, and while my swim and bike are at the distance, my run has only been there once. I'm struggling with sore and slightly tweaked muscles, so it'll be a freaking miracle if I make it to race day in one piece.

One may also find it entertaining that I am no longer "Sprinter." Slow as shit should sum it up a little bit better now. I've trained my dear muscles to conserve, and consequently, my speedometer readings have plummeted. My poor ego is really taking quite a bruising, and it's no consequence that I still find myself near the front of the pack. I bet that on race day, I'll be sucking wind at the back. Ugh.

Anyway, there's my update. Most now go take my ice pack and nuke it so I can heat my hip flexor up a little. I swear, it takes me longer to recover from a workout than it does to actually do one. :)

1 comment:

SixTwoThree said...

Well I had my pre-race freak out a month before my race, so it appears you're right on schedule. Did a 10K a couple of weeks ago and couldn't imagine coming anywhere near my "race pace" since I could hold it in a training run for more than a few minutes. Wouldn't you know it? I beat in the actual race. So the same thing will probably happen to you by sheer osmosis and reading each other's blogs. That's my theory and I'm stickin' to it!