Friday, February 29, 2008


She lied.

When asked if there was to be sprinting that night, she said, "triathletes only sprint at the finish line. We do not have to sprint every time we go to the track."

Like hell we don't! I sit here, crippled. Crippled as in, delayed onset muscle soreness has seized every spare centimeter of muscle mass in my legs, and lifting my legs to get into cars and to put them into bed is quite possibly one of the most painful experiences imagineable. Does one get crippled by slowly running around the fun fun track?

No. No, there was no slow. There was aerobic. Then there was "tempo." And then LT. Lactic Threshold. Hold in the puke 'cause it's comin' and it doesn't taste too good.

OMG, I did the most painful and excruciating 4 miles of my life on Wednesday night. It's 2 full days later and I am still bitching about it. Can you believe it? At one point, it hurt so bad that I was almost in tears. Seriously, if 4 miles can do this to me, what makes me think I can make the Olympic distance of 6??? How is this ever going to work out well for me? I still don't know the answer to that, but I'm kind of repressing it at this point.

To accomodate my dear hubby's desire to go out tonight, I went ahead and did my long swim last night. In retrospect this may have been smart--- the pain lulled my legs into submission and I was happy to let them float behind me like a rudder. I didn't even push off the wall hard. Just gentle and slow. I did my longest swim ever --- 1 hour --- and covered only 2650 meters. But like I said, I was slow, and this was a new milestone for me, so it was okay. Someone even asked me if I was a competitive swimmer!! I was flattered, of course, but there was nothing competitive about me in that pool last night. It was just me and the clock, and a rousing rendition of 99 bottles of beer on the wall. (I'm trying a new way of counting laps)

I'm still madly in love with Fiona. I may need to buy 5 versions of her so I don't have to keep doing laundry. I'm seriously that addicted.

Tomorrow morning I'm meeting a few girls and we are doing our 2 1/2 hour long bike ride. This is the longest I've ever been on a bike before, and seeing how my 2 hour trainer ride last week resulted in me being in tears for over an hour, I don't know how this is going to go. It's an aerobic ride, so we're just going to enjoy the trail and take our time. Next week is our first peak week, so this week I just want to survive.

It's funny reading everyones' blogs lately. It seems that we are all on different schedules, but the sentiments are the same. Overwhelmed by the need for an improved time management skill. Stressed about increasing intensities and distances. Grumpy. Cranky. Bitchy. Starving. But we are pushing through, and we will get through these spots. I imagine they might even get worse before they get better. But I know I just need to put the doubt behind me and keep conquering the plan, day by day, taking advantage of any extra time I can get.

So with that, I'm leaving work early and heading out to dinner with the hubby so I can be in bed early to prep for my long ride.

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