Monday, February 11, 2008

I Heart my Bike

Yesterday ROCKED. I have to admit it. I'm still overjoyed and the thrill of my ride is still making me burst with pride. With love. I am in LOVE with my new bike. Not only is "The Buff" one sexy machine, but it's fast, too! Woohoo!!! We did 1/2 hour ride on the Santa Ana Trail yesterday, coupled with a 1/2 hour run, and the bike felt fantastic. We tried to focus on a very high cadence, but I was able to push hard without feeling the burn. It was comfortable, I figured out how to steer with my aerobars, and it just covered the ground 3000% better than my old Trek. I'm so psyched about this bike, let me tell you.

What I'm not so excited about is the fact that the race is less than 8 weeks away and there is some doubt in peoples' minds whether I can make the distance. Coach says I'm a very strong cyclist, but in the same paragraph, she also mentions that I can walk the run if I have to. this doubt? Does she think I'm that bad of a runner that I can't make the 6 miles? Granted, I'm only up to 4 in practice, but did I not do the 30-minute brick with the fastest runners in the program? Did I not keep up?! What's up with this?

I know Coach well, so it's quite possible she's pissing me off on purpose in order to motivate me to put in the time. She knows that time is my greatest constraint right now.....I guess this could be her way of passively kicking me in the arse?

Well, it worked. I'm a little cranky now. I somehow feel like she has identified running as my uber weakness, so now I need to train the weakness without injuring myself. (7 miles this weekend did nothing to help my knees, I'll admit) And I am SO SORE today. Ouch! Anyway, not sure how to fix the running aside from making the time during the week to get it in. I suppose I could try to run over a lunch hour, and bring lots of scented baby wipes to mask my heinous odors after the run??? Or maybe I could get up at the crack of dawn and run with the mountain lions? Or in the dark??? Drag hubby along? Ugh, I don't know what I'll do. Such a royal pain. But now I'm determined to improve myself in the next two months.

I hope I still heart my bike at the end of all this.


Amanda said...

I don't recommend running at lunch if you can't shower afterwards...your co-workers may not like you too well after that. :)

You are the queen of planning and working out...I KNOW you will figure out to make the time for your runs. And you will still love your bike after this too. :)

SixTwoThree said...

This post made me giggle! If it makes you feel any better, my coach made me swim 7300 yards last week. Yup, guess what my weak sport is? There's a reason I'm nicknamed "Minnow." After Oceanside, it'll be "Iron Minnow!"