Today at work, I made my minions take a 20 minute walk with me. Part of our "go the extra mile" mantra, only I took it literally. Knocked that sucker off the management list....
At swim practice, I'm finishing up training with more marker sets to figure out if I've improved over the past few months. I can now do 10 x 100 on 1:45 and hold it....... I can hold a :43 50. I can hold :20 25s. Slow for most, but an improvement for me. When I started the season, we did an all out 200 to place us in our swim groups. I did it in 3:30. Today, I swam a timed 300 and at the 200 mark, I was at 3:25. I'll take it! I feel like I've worked really hard this winter at my swim, and it seems like such a shame to be throwing it all away. I'm sure I won't be back in the water for at least a month, and even then it'll be open water so I don't push off the wall.....
I look at my bike every morning and feel sad. It's so pretty. They are both so pretty. And I think about how I'd love to call in sick and take a ride in the gorgeous 80 degree weather. This weekend is all about the bike. I am going to bike until my girl parts can't stand it anymore.
And I think on Wednesday, I might cry.
Starting to get scared about it now. I wish it had happened on May 11th, to be honest. I would have been so stressed out about the race and the drive that I never would have thought twice about the actual surgery. Having time is a little freaky. I've never gone under the knife before. Heck, I don't even know what type of anesthesia I should get! So freaky.....
At any rate, on a happier note, I have a few Iron Girl photos with more to come once hubby gets to downloading. 

It's hard not to be sad when thinking about not getting to do the things you love. But you will get back to it all in good time. And when you do, you'll be in less pain!
Hey, at least you had a race! LOL Good job girl! I mean IronGirl!!
Don't sweat the surgery. You will be fine and back doing the things you love in no time. My 83 year old grandma just had a meniscus repair 2 weeks ago. Get the general anesthesia and enjoy the nap afterwards. :)
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