Nope. My goal? Make it to April 24th in one piece and add a new member to the family.
As things progress, I find myself getting more and more antsy. Which new symptoms will plague me this week? When are the stretch marks coming? Can I get any slower in the water? Do swimsuits really break under pressure? Can I start sleep training the little one in the womb?
Yes, very antsy indeed. Am pleased to report that a lot of the important stuff is done. 20 week ultrasound -- done. Baby is still a boy, and he is perfect as far as we can tell. Maternal serum test came back negative for open spinal cord defects. 4D ultrasound is booked for the 26th. Glucose screen booked on the 26th. Crib and coordinating furniture were not only ordered, but arrived 12 weeks early and are assembled! Crib bedding is ordered. Shower invitations have been ordered. Prenatal yoga class has been signed up for. Aqua Aerobics is being added to the rotation briefly. DH and I are signed up for our Childbirth classes and Infant Care classes. Is this impressive or what?
Admittedly, I haven't run at all since my crawling episode at the Turkey Trot. Heard one too many stories of pelvic floor injuries postpartum that I think I will just return to running after I drop this little one. Instead, I've been on the elliptical for 50 minutes over lunch watching the Dog Whisperer, making sure it all seems "easy" to me. I swim on Sundays with my needy friend who actually laps me within 200 meters. (She claims it's because of her flip turns.....I secretly hope in a race situation she becomes timid and gets dunked a few million times so that I beat her) I've noticed some interesting things over the past few weeks, though..... My freaking hips must be spreading, courtesy of that fantastic relaxin crap. It's painful to walk for the first few minutes after getting up from a chair, and they ache late at night. I'm also feeling more awkward in the water. At first, swimming was liberating because I was blissfully unaware of my abdomen. But then baby turned into a 1lb sack of sugar and now, I always know he is down there.
At my 23 week appointment, I was up 20 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. Oops! And I managed to do this all while eating no more than 1800 calories a day and by working out 3-4 times a week. My Dr. isn't concerned at all. She doesn't realize how traumatizing this is. My boss just says I must not love my baby enough if I am concerned about gaining weight while pregnant. Eat me, people. I seriously need everyone to understand that I am very conscious of my weight and it doesn't mean I care for the baby any less. Couldn't I be like my cousin and be even with the pre-preg weight? Seriously?!
Is there anything non-baby in my life, you ask?
No, not really. I'm pretty sad and pathetic. I'm watching my bikini line disappear as my abdomen gets bigger and bigger. I'm discovering all sorts of new maladies that my body is capable of throwing at me. I pee a lot. The heartburn is enough to make me want to slit my wrists.....thank goodness for Prilosec. And when I go to bed, I read about sleep training and infant care. I'm pretty special these days.
Anyway, will leave you with a few pics. Not terribly exciting, but it's all I'm capable of right now!
Here's my munchkin caught sleeping in the infant bouncer. Boy is he in for a surprise!

Aw. What a cute picture of your kitty. I have a shot of my cat in the baby's bassinet. Funny to look back on. You sound like you have everything together. Impressive! Just enjoy the next few months. They're the last you'll be able to use both hands for a while! ;)
And where is your belly shot? That is a MUST!
If you are reading up on sleep training now, GOOD FOR YOU!!! I HIGHLY recommend "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" by Dr. Marc Weissbluth (sp?). My kids slept throuhg the night at 8 weeks old--yes, BOTH of them! One was on formula and one was breast fed. Now, the baby sleeps 12-14 hours a night and takes a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon. This book has been a life saver for us.
You are not boring, you are a normal first time mom to be! Enjoy these last few months. Cherish the alone time with DH. It's the last you'll get for a while. You'll never have your first child again. Sounds like you have everything ready and headed in the right direction. And April 24th is a GREAT day to be born (DS2 birhtday) and so is April 28th (DS1 birthday).
Nice 'seeing' you again. Can't wait to read your birth story. :)
Oh and congrats on all the exercise--you ROCK! That will make your recovery so much quicker and you should bounce back quicker too if you keep it up. :)
Congrats to you! I was blog surfing and found you. Hope all will go smoothly. I am with Amanda, where is the belly shot?!
Love and hugs from Mrs. Slug in Oregon. PS......
Come visit my blog if you need some cartoons to keep you entertained, they are the ones I put in to my husband's lunchbox drawn on a napkin. You will be doing that for your child one day soon!
Love, Mrs. Slug xoxoxox
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