Well, there's a 6% chance she was wrong, but I saw the bits.
Baby is healthy and busy, hiccuping and twisting all over the place. Has a mild obsession with his hands....they must taste good and look pretty....not that he has his eyes open or anything.
Neuchal fold was 2.5 mm, which is at the upper end of normal, but more normal for a later NT scan like mine.
It was so good to finally see this baby looking like a baby. DH was totally enthralled with it, amazed that we had hands and feet and that they moved like a human. And when he found out it was a boy, I don't think I've seen him look happier. :) Such a relief to know that he finally realized what was happening and was finally "with" me.
Anyway, that's my update! Here's a pic.....

OMG!!! Congratulations!!!
As a mom of 2 boys, I can honestly say--BOYS ROCK!!! They are so easy and so much fun. You are in for a life time of LOVE!!!! :)
Wow!! I didn't know you was PG until I read Barbie's blog!!
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S!!!
My first was a boy and you will be so "in love" again you will wonder how you ever survived without him!!!
Keep us updated~~~
OH BOY! OH BOY! OH BOY!!!!!!!! Congratulations you two!!! I'm so happy for you! (Sorry for the slow response. I tend to read your blog on my Blackberry and am prone to not leaving comments from there.)
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